I was trolling around the NI website looking for blogs I may have overlooked when I wrote this post. Then I found this little nugget: a recent presentation for NI employees about running blogs. I had a good chuckle reading it, especially considering none of the NI blogs I saw were updated at the suggested once/week rate. Also, several of the statements in that presentation paralleled a Wired article and NYT piece I covered a year ago.
When I worked at HP they had a policy of awarding money ($1000 back then) to anyone who was published in a magazine or journal. So when I published an article in a visual basic magazine I scored twice: about a grand from the magazine as well as HP (sweet). I wonder if NI employees that run their own blogs get extra compensation? Or are they allowed to advertise on their blogs? Food for thought.
Hi, Greg.
I'm the community and social media manager at National Instruments and help drive things the NI Blog College, which you found on our the NI Community (www.ni.com/community).
First of all, I want to say congrats on running a successful blog for 3 years. Research shows the majority of blogs are abandoned after the first month, so this is a great accomplishment. I also wanted to answer a couple of your questions.
For your reference, you can find the majority of our blogs at ni.com/blogs. Also, while not every blog is updated on the suggested weekly frequency, we do have a number of active blogs. In fact, last month there were 118 new blog posts on the NI Developer Community. Some of these posts are from online groups like LabVIEW for Large Applications (http://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/large-labview-application-development), while others cover topics like the coolest LabVIEW applications (ni.com/sweetapps) or products like LabVIEW Robotics (http://labviewrobotics.wordpress.com/). There are also a few active bloggers in R&D like Christina Rogers (http://blog.eyesonvis.com/).
To answer your second question, NI employees don't get paid extra for blogging, but many of them see it as a great way to give an inside view into what they are working on or share their expertise on a particular area of interest. It's also a great way to have conversations with folks like you. Finally, NI employees don't usually advertise on their blogs; however, they do share news and updates.
Are you attending NIWeek this year? I'm planning a Community Exchange - a two day track that highlights cool community applications, showcases third-party products, etc. On Tuesday we have a blogging panel and I would love for you to attend.
Let me know if you have any questions, and again great work on the blog.
Well, there's my answer and then some. Thank you for the info. I don't know yet if I'll go to NI Week, but it looks doubtful right now - too much going on at work right now.
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