Then I spend a little time watching Fox News, or reading a website like this, and I get depressed again. The earth is getting warmer. Mankind evolved from apes, which evolved from earlier species, all the way back to primordial ooze. The Earth is a few billion years old, not 6000. All these statements are supported by mountains of evidence and theories. Why don't people accept this? I finally got around to reading "The Republican Brain," and I have to say it was very convincing.

I agree science and technological advances are important. However, even as an engineer, I think that philosophical and humanitarian advancements are far more important
Also, I'd argue that Democrats deny science just as much as Republicans. Especiall.y when it comes to economics and other humanitarian studies. I often times see them both worshiping at the alter of their respective parties.
Maybe dems deny evidence when it conflicts with their beliefs, but the author in that book references studies that suggest people with a liberal outlook are more likely to change their beliefs when presented with compelling evidence.
Also, there's things like this:
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